“It’s in the details”, is an adage I seem to be hearing often lately.  I take it to mean those little daily habits and rituals that build my character and strengthen my faith.  There are many instances throughout our days, when no one’s looking or sees us, and we can choose to; “Go the extra mile” or “Deliver more than expected”.  These are the moments that define us.


So what little lesson has spoken to me loud and clear….eating healthy and proportionately.  BLAH…I am undoubtedly a stress eater of all things sugary.  I’ve wished for the longest I could say I’ve won this battle and am doing my victory lap.  But wishing won’t get me that lap.  So even though I haven’t won, I realize I still got fight in me…a drive to win.  So even after repeated falls, I’m proud to say I’ve gotten up and back at it.  It’s not over until you quick.


Doing little mundane task on a consistent and daily basis can be challenging.  But produce the greatest outcomes. It is those small things done that no one sees, creating the big things that everyone wants.  What little thing are you going to do for you?