We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence, then is not an act, but a Habit. ~Aristotle

Habits are our thoughts or behaviors that we have repeatedly done so frequently they are almost subconscious. We all have habits, that if only, they could be wished away, life would be a breeze.  Unfortunately it doesn’t work this way.  Life is work and to experience a great life is hard work.


What is it you want more than anything?  What is it you imagine, when you close your eyes and go to that place of peace in the quiet of your mind?  Well the thing, separating you, from where you are, and where you want to be, are your habits.   It is the choices you are making, to not do something different, to not do that challenges you, but to instead continue in a routine. Is what discourages your dreams.


Everyone wants the glory, but few have the guts.  You can have and be what you see in your heart, but much work is required.  Are you willing to take it one habit at a time, one day at a time and work on improving your greatest gift…your mind?  Because when you learn to direct your thoughts, which dictate your behaviors creating your habits…you will experience the life you’ve imagined!


What your first habit to change?