F.E.A.R. – Failing to Employ and Activate Resources. © Meshell Baker

So I’m calling today Fearless Friday. Time to do something we’ve never done before.  Yes we, I’m including myself in on this. This weekend take a step of Faith!


Is FEAR standing between you and everything your heart desires?  You may have heard it said, everything you want is one step outside your comfort zone.  Well it’s true.  God’s answers and blessings are most often found in the challenges faced in life.  Each time we go beyond the realm of our comfort the FAITH muscle is strengthened.  And like any muscle, the more it’s used the bigger and stronger it becomes.


Think about it, each time you extend yourself to do something challenging or difficult with success…you fell awesome.  So why don’t most folks step out more often?  Well there’s that ever present possibility of an unsuccessful outcome.  Unfortunately some of us forget that we are not alone.  We have a Savior and a Comforter who will strengthen and guide.  You are NEVER alone.


What if I told you there can be no success without a mistake.  Remember everything that happens is for YOU not to you.  See yourself as a victor!  Remind yourself, “I can do ALL things thru Christ who strengthens me!” repeatedly out loud.  Let your heart hear your words.  Start with a small challenge and learn along the way. Before you know it you’ll be facing fears like an old pro!


What Fear are you facing this weekend?