Did you know that you cannot achieve success without making mistakes? That it is virtually impossible to accomplish anything perfectly on the first attempt? And depending on the requirements of expertise or skill necessary to attain that greatness…for which you’re hesitated…it could possibly take numerous attempts and failures before success is acquired. Best news ever!


Failing forward is simply setting out to accomplish your goal, but instead of fearing failure…embracing it! This does not mean to give less than 100%. Resolve to resolve yourself that success is within reach, no matter how many times it takes. Stop counting your missteps as adverse setbacks but accept them as advantageous setups…with each failure putting you closer to your victory.


For me this means that mistakes are not just necessary, they are actually mandatory to accomplish goals. So my big fail forward on numerous occasion is healthy eating and exercise. Yet I still believe it can be accomplished, and that I have not failed but instead found many methods that aren’t for me.  Success is obtained by those willing to get back up every time. What are you willing to do today?