Laughter is an Instant Vacation. ~ Milton Berle

Llaughter is a Vacaation

Wednesday is generally the day where I stop to assess what has been done this week and what still needs to be done this week.  The term Hump Day comes to mind.  I’ve decided today to take an instant vacation and smile and laugh and experience some JOY!


No matter where you are or what you are doing, you can always STOP!  If your life is not bringing you JOY, if you are not finding your PURPOSE….STOP!  Yes, life is challenging but difficulties aren’t meant to last forever.  And know that weeping may endure for an evening, but JOY cometh in the morning.


I say all this to say…STOP and find what brings you Bliss.  Who makes you smile, what makes you belly laugh!  Basically find some time to smell life’s roses.  And always remember, the express route to experience joy is LAUGHTER!!


What makes you Laugh?