Steadfast Seeking (2)

Haven’t found what you are looking for?  Or maybe you’ve stopped searching altogether.  Did you know there is a solution for everything?  First step in acquiring an answer is patience during the pursuit.  Think of seeking as a marathon, not a sprint, pace yourself.  Life is not meant to be an exact science. But instead is meant to be an experience for each and every situation and moment.


As I understand it, those with an appreciation while waiting; those with gratitude for what they DO have and not focusing on their HAVE NOT received yet, they are the recipients of Life’s contentment.   I have actually experienced a change of heart and desire in worshipful waiting.  So blissful and peaceful was I in recognition that the Lord was doing a work in and through me, that I plumb forgot why I wanted what I wanted.  But instead realized I had all that I needed and much, much more.


Steadfast seeking is about abiding in your Faith and understanding that the Lord will provide and has not forgotten you.  Grateful or grumbling your adoration will dictate you jubilation.  There is a Trust exchange received by those who patiently wait upon Him, which strengthens their Faith for far more and greater things to come.


How do you wait?