Gratitude is Your Game Changer


“The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now. And the more grateful you are, the more you get.”

~ Oprah Winfrey ~


Struggling to experience more joy and enthusiasm in your life? Try gratitude. There is a reason why you find more when you feel like you have enough. 

Your ability to find the “silver lining” sets you apart in our ever-busy changing world. I highly recommend cultivating a giving mindset.  Enjoy this bit of inspiration – A Givers Guide – that highlights random acts of kindness. And experience an infusion of gratefulness and joy!

G – Gratitude may be one of the most underutilized tools that we all have access to every day. Developing a grateful attitude and mindset doesn’t cost a thing.  And it most definitely will not take any additional time on your part. Gratitude elevates your mind, and your mood, and is contagiously attractive!

I – Initiate your amazing life by taking a chance. You can spend your life worrying and anticipating what might go wrong.  Or you can recognize there is no perfect, only incremental improvement (practice).  Find something you love, and you will be more willing to take the risk of failure, get up, and get better!

V – Value what makes you special to others. There is a reason why you are adored or not and it comes from how others feel around you. Most people are striving to be successful at something, so they can acquire some things. Becoming a person of value makes you valuable, and that always appreciates!

E – ExtraOrdinary is the little things done by those who love what they do. Most often these are the experiences that cultivate loyal followers and raving fans. These are the actions rooted in sincere love of their purpose and extended and shared with the receivers of their giving.

READY to begin your game-changing journey of giving graciously? Why not start today?


25 Random Acts of Kindness


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Blessings for your Beautiful Journey,

Meshell 💜