Disrupt Disrespect & Debut Your Champion

“Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.” ~ MICHELLE OBAMA ~   Did you know disrespect must be taken; it cannot merely be given? This unconventional perspective on disrespect shapes how you react to negative interactions and informs your confident and empowered response. It’s time to challenge and redefine the conventional…

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Could your Leadership use some LOVE?

  “Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It’s about impact, influence, and inspiration.” ~ Robin S. Sharma ~   Leadership can be a challenging role to take on, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. To love being a leader, it’s important to understand what it takes to be an effective leader…

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Could your Morning use a JOLT?

  “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt ~   There is so much information out there on the importance of establishing a morning routine and incorporating good habits and practices into your daily life. There are published studies, surveys, and books on the topic. In an online article…

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How can you ignite your best self?

  “Don’t listen to people who say ‘Be reasonable. Instead, be unreasonable. As a result, you’ll allow possibility, creativity, and magic into your life.” ~ Nina Amir ~   With One Word… A WatchWord… Yes, it’s that time of year again when I prompt you to think about selecting one word to focus on during…

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What you do is the HABIT of you.

  “Build good habits and success will follow you…”  ~ Oprah Winfrey ~   For me, it is my desperate attempt to obtain a healthy lifestyle.    Monday marked my 210th consecutive day of meditation … as per the Insighttimer App. Truth be told it has been way longer, however, I did not start keeping count…

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Gratitude is Your Game Changer

  “The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now. And the more grateful you are, the more you get.” ~ Oprah Winfrey ~   Struggling to experience more joy and enthusiasm in your life? Try gratitude. There is a reason…

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Ready to make FEAR your friend?

  “Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.” ~ Helen Keller ~   It happens to all of us… Whether you bring it on yourself or it just shows up… That pit in your stomach. The butterflies. The times when your…

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Do you have a Tribe Vibe?

“Connection is why we’re here: it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.” ~ Brene Brown ~   People are not meant to be alone all the time. Connecting as part of a meaningful community is important for our mental well-being. We are social beings and the need to belong is deeply ingrained…

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How to Stop worrying about the HOW?

“Don’t worry about how things are going to work out. Just believe that they will”. ~ Pritha ~   What is the one thing you do every single day that you have never done before? TODAY … You have never lived today before. You do not know what it will bring and you have no…

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What Do Big DREAMS Require?

“Alone We Can Do So Little. Together We Can Do So Much”. ~ Helen Keller ~   You are on a journey. Headed to a destination… The next stop is your Big Hairy Audacious DREAMS. You may not know it, but you’ve been preparing. You have packed the necessary gear – your confident BELIEF and…

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