Can You Handle the Unplanned?

“Change your life today. Don’t Gamble on the future, act now, without delay.”
~ Simone de Beauvoir

More and more technology, automation are coming at you every day.

So many texts, emails, phone calls, social media… It’s non-stop… all day every day.

With all the noise and notifications, who has time to prep for each day, let alone preparing for the unplanned?

And with all that’s going on these days, a series of unexpected challenges happening one after another could happen to anyone. Soooo…

How do you choose?

How do you know what’s right for you?

How can you be sure you will get it right?

You may already be privy to this tidbit of information, but in case you are not… Life rarely goes as planned. 

Therefore, the unplanned and unexpected will always happen. Yet most people fall into overwhelm and frustration in the face of the unplanned and unexpected.

Why don’t more people prepare?

Well, according to recent research, the human brain likely has somewhere around 86 billion neurons (brain cells). (1) And these neurons are what make up your thoughts. That’s a lot of thinking.

Basically, all that thinking is similar to the power that fuels a nuclear missile into space. However, most people (humans) focus all those thoughts on  Hyundai sized problems. Things not going your way is really not a big deal.

In truth, you are meant to use the power of your thoughts to focus that everything is working in your favor. To use life’s challenges and setbacks as opportunities to get creative and innovative.

Success in life requires turning your thoughts toward your infinite and limitless possibility versus your finite and limited problem. You my friend have the power to create amazing things when you refocus your stinking thinking.

How do I refocus my thoughts?

A clear and compelling vision of your greatest vision and grandest big dreams. This is the proper and most powerful use of your 86 billion brain cells.

Let’s start with some simple steps to put you at E.A.S.E.

E – Everything is working in your favor. To have amazing outcomes requires that you first imagine it’s possible. Begin with asking yourself, What would make this wonderful for all involved?

A – Adjust your attitude to gratitude. It is impossible to complain and rejoice at the same time. You get to choose your thoughts. Pause and list (written or verbal) the reasons to be grateful.

S – Speak with like-minded believers. Seek to align yourself with others who focus on solutions. Sometimes a strategy session helps clear things up. Find folks who are 80% solution /20% problem.

E – Execute in excellence. When all is said and done we are defined by our actions, not our words. Act as if everything is working in your favor. Because it is. Your abundant birthright is awaiting your actions of belief!

Don’t have a clear and compelling vision?

Virtual Vision Board Gathering: Finishing 2021 Fierce & Fabulous

on Saturday, June 19th from 12:00-2:00 pm CST


Time to use your greatest gift and most powerful tool… 86 Billion Brain Cells to create your most amazing life!

Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
