Do you have a Tribe Vibe?

“Connection is why we’re here: it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.”

~ Brene Brown ~


People are not meant to be alone all the time.

Connecting as part of a meaningful community is important for our mental well-being. We are social beings and the need to belong is deeply ingrained in our nature. That’s why, since the beginning of time, humans have been drawn to creating their own communities.

There have been studies linking the emotional strain of loneliness caused by social isolation to physical illnesses, including sleep disorders, heart disease, and a weakened immune system. Social isolation, as defined by the National Institute of Health as “the lack of social contacts and having few people to interact with regularly”, may significantly increase a person’s risk of premature death and has been associated with about a 50% percent increased risk of dementia.

So what does all that mean to YOU?

Being a member of a community – a Tribe – of like-minded individuals with similar interests, beliefs and values can make us feel like we matter. It makes us feel like we are part of something meaningful. It gives us an opportunity to feel safe and secure, and most importantly, we feel like we belong

The Tribe is an actual necessity for human growth and potential. Our ability to thrive is impacted and improves in our connection to our tribe.

So then, how do you engage your Tribe?

E – Enthusiasm Activates. A conviction that is common to the whole, a Vision. This conviction will illicit dedication to the shared goal creating support, accountability, and belief. These are terms that are not often mentioned in the workplace. Yet, great outcomes don’t simply fall out of the sky.  They are the result of an intense engagement with your shared purpose. When people are enthused about something meaningful, they will engage, and soon your idea spreads like wildfire. 

N – Nurturing Creativity. Ingenuity and innovation blossom in a collaborative community of like-minded people. Groups that implement are more valuable than those who only think and talk about it.  Being part of a group where members are together working outside their comfort zones to accomplish their desired goals, allows each participant to relax in the face of any potential difficulties and tap into his/her creative energy and potential. This breeds a community/culture that fosters cumulative creativity and an environment where all members contribute to a common goal.

G – Gracious Contributions. Being a gracious giver is something that appears to come naturally to some people, and chances are, the gracious giver has been consistent and diligent to become who they are. Our nature is to want acknowledgment for doing acts of kindness. We all want to be noticed and affirmed. However, the kindest way to give is to do so without calling attention to yourself … to do it anonymously.  Doing altruistic random acts of kindness for people in your community will strengthen your feelings of connection and satisfaction.

A – Approachable Communications. Cordial and congenial communication is often neglected in the workplace. Generally, people begin the work day assuming the worst. This assumptive position threatens the creating and delivering optimal outcomes. Your morning mentality creates your workplace reality.  Become quick to listen and slow to speak.  Learn to listen without responding, listen without offering advice, and you may discover and find exactly what you need.  Approachable communicators foster a safe environment, influencing enhanced engagement and improved productivity.   

G – Genuine Authenticity. Unique individual participation is essential to establishing a powerful team – strong Tribe.  And these same differences misunderstood can also cause conflict.  Nurturing an environment where everyone is heard, appreciated, and recognized is vital for the success of the community. Lasting and sustained connection requires being honest and transparent. This begins when you acknowledge what makes you different and what makes you unique. Being true to yourself is a cliché for a reason — it works.  People don’t want to connect with someone fake. They want to feel understood and heard, and the only way you do that is to be honest and authentic. 

E – Enriching RelationshipsTribe members come together to work on similar goals, be willing to learn from others, and be coached at the same time. A safe setting creates an open, vulnerable, affirming, and mutually supportive environment. Many relationships established within a tribe will continue to develop and expand over a lifetime. Being part of a like-minded tribe is a Life Changer. When people begin recognizing and appreciating their businesses, jobs and careers as opportunities to collaborate and co-create with the tribe, it creates boundless possibilities. 

In this age of social media, it is easier than ever to find and build the Tribe that best fits your personal and professional interests. There is a community that would greatly benefit and is waiting for you to share your gifts, your expertise, and your kindness.

So, how do you find your TRIBE?

Well, first, you move past your comfort zone and take action. Every goal starts with a step. A great first step could be connecting with people who share your interests on a social platform like I encourage you to meet at least one person and commit to following up with them for a coffee. Now, don’t be discouraged if your initial connections are not a good match. You may have to kiss a few proverbial frogs before you find your tribe. Hang in there, though. Your community will emerge!

Remember, the objective is not to have millions or thousands or hundreds, even, of members in your Tribe. The goal is to connect on a regular basis to a mighty few who YOU can inspire, encourage and support. The saying is true ‘what goes around comes around’ and the good that you release to those in your Tribe will be returned to you in innumerable and invaluable ways, including prolonged life and well-being.


Can you use a little daily inspiration, watch Meshell share on being fearless:

Need a boost or pick me up, Check out Meshell’s Confidence Starter:

Want to create a clear and compelling vision that ignites your Unstoppable Confidence, let’s chat:

If you are in need of some confidence-boosting tips, take the quiz: 

Blessings for your Beautiful Journey,
