Are You Growing Your Faith?

Do you know how to listen and hear your inner voice? The promptings of God’s guidance? I call my sovereign deity God.  You may call Him the Divine, the Universe, Spirit, Goddess, or Buddha.  Simply use your term of endearment to access this message.  Now, where were we?  Awww yes, sometimes the inner voice will prompt…

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You don't have to see to believe

You don’t have to see to believe!

A few years ago while living in Long Island, NY, I decided to relocate to Texas.  With no clue of where in Texas I wanted to relocate, simply that most my family resided in Texas.  And while I was wanting, dreaming and desiring Texas, my sister, Daphne suffered a life-threatening illness and almost died in…

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What would you do if you knew you would not fail?

This is my question to you for 2017.  You see, I have found that my life’s greatest moments and memories were always preceded by facing my biggest fears.  There’s a saying that goes… Whatever doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.   And fear is not real.   Fear is your gift.  You would not need courage…

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Vision Billboard

Vision makes the impossible possible

Every person is born on purpose with a purpose.  We all have gifts, talents and the ability to make an impact in this world and on others.  Unfortunately, the majority of people never experience the fulfillment of knowing their life’s purpose.  Or of experiencing the passion and joy that accompanies the momentum of purpose.  The…

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Why I stopped networking!

One point I often mention when speaking, is that I lost 2 decades of my life caring what other people thought about me.  And unfortunately, I am not alone in this loss.  This inclination for wanting to be liked, affirmed and validated is natural to everyone.  From a very early age, we are raised to…

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Did you jump out of bed today?

So, did you jump out of bed today? If you responded yes and bounce of your bed daily…I’d love to hear what makes your steps spring and your soul sing! If you answered no, it’s actually the more common response. And, if you are interested in putting some spring in your step and a song…

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A Clearly Defined Purpose

Do you recall the passion and feelings of falling in love? Remember how you felt falling in love? When you were learning about them, watching them, being with them, seeing their smile…just hearing their voice! PASSION…You are 100% fully engaged! People search their entire lives to not just feel passion, but to sustain it. Passion…

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No Matter What!

          Did you know failure is only final if you quit? Walt Disney’s first company went bankrupt. Colonel Sanders was told no 1,009 times, before hearing yes. J.K. Rowlings book Harry Potter, was rejected 12 times before getting published. John Grisham took 3 years to write his first book. Which was…

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Expert or Exploiter?

When is the last time you were fortunate enough to work with an expert?  If you are like many newly minted entrepreneurs, you may not recall.  For many of us who are swimming in the increasingly diluted bowl of small business owners, the truly skilled, qualified and well trained are few and farther between!  I…

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Are you ready to live your D.R.E.A.M.S.?

  Group coaching is ideal for individuals who want to grow through creative collaboration with other people with similar goals and dreams. It is also appropriate for people seeking a high-value, affordable method of transformation in their life and business.  personal and professional development that forgoes a one on-one experience for the sake of accessing…

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