Whose Directions Are You Following?

I don’t know about you, but I lost count of the number of times I’ve taken a wrong turn, gone down the wrong road or been completely lost.  Seems getting lost is quite the common occurrence.  Yet many wanders find themselves so overwhelmed or embarrassed, they never locate their desired destination.  While those willing to…

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My Scary Silence Turns to Sweet Slumber

  My first night in the DreamBigBus, snuggly nestled in a well-lit 24-hour Walmart parking lot was terrifying.  I was the most frightened I’ve been in recent years, that I could remember.  Curled up in the fetal position, on the fold down sofa, I was rocked while physically shaking.  Countless questions running through my mind. …

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A Second Sunday of Silence Speaks Volumes

After such an amazing first Sunday of Silence, I eagerly dove into week 2.  And I enthusiastically drove to Kalamazoo, MI to participate in a facilitated Day of Sanctuary (1-day Silent Retreat).  Yes, I thought to myself, another day of tuning out unnecessary voices and turning up the volume of my Creator.  I was earnestly…

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From Silent Retreat to Sunday Silence Vow

What did I discover during my 3-day and 3-night retreat of silence? First thing I noticed were the multitude of useless things rolling around in my head. Voices from the past, present and future. Hope of the unseen coupled with anxiety of the unknown. Thoughts and ideas, fears and doubts. Opinions of others and my…

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You don't have to see to believe

You don’t have to see to believe!

A few years ago while living in Long Island, NY, I decided to relocate to Texas.  With no clue of where in Texas I wanted to relocate, simply that most my family resided in Texas.  And while I was wanting, dreaming and desiring Texas, my sister, Daphne suffered a life-threatening illness and almost died in…

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A Clearly Defined Purpose

Do you recall the passion and feelings of falling in love? Remember how you felt falling in love? When you were learning about them, watching them, being with them, seeing their smile…just hearing their voice! PASSION…You are 100% fully engaged! People search their entire lives to not just feel passion, but to sustain it. Passion…

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Do You Have Sight But No Vision?

One of my favorite quotes is “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” Helen Keller. As a coach who helps bring my client’s vision into focus and then into reality, I am keenly aware of the difference between sight and vision. Often my clients begin with an idea of…

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No one can beat You at being You… are You ready to WIN?

Okay so it’s February and you didn’t start or begin like you wanted back in January. Or maybe you did start in January and you’ve already thrown in the towel or fell off track! OMG… Not again!! Year after year, month after month, week… day…. You get the point! Time is a ticking and there’s…

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WEEK 4 – Drive

What is the driving force behind BIG DREAMS? Great achievements? What is it that keeps people impassioned and invigorated to follow the path down the road less traveled? Key entrepreneurs were asked just that, and their answers may come as a bit of a surprise to you, because none of them said money. In fact,…

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WEEK 3 – Choose

What are you most afraid of?  What is your greatest desire?  Most often these two emotional experiences go hand in hand.   That thing of your utmost yearning is being thwarted by your greatest fear.  And fear is truly False Evidence Appearing Real!  As you will read in the coming weeks, I often make reference…

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