Gratitude is Your Game Changer

  “The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now. And the more grateful you are, the more you get.” ~ Oprah Winfrey ~   Struggling to experience more joy and enthusiasm in your life? Try gratitude. There is a reason…

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Ready to make FEAR your friend?

  “Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.” ~ Helen Keller ~   It happens to all of us… Whether you bring it on yourself or it just shows up… That pit in your stomach. The butterflies. The times when your…

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Do you have a Tribe Vibe?

“Connection is why we’re here: it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.” ~ Brene Brown ~   People are not meant to be alone all the time. Connecting as part of a meaningful community is important for our mental well-being. We are social beings and the need to belong is deeply ingrained…

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How to Stop worrying about the HOW?

“Don’t worry about how things are going to work out. Just believe that they will”. ~ Pritha ~   What is the one thing you do every single day that you have never done before? TODAY … You have never lived today before. You do not know what it will bring and you have no…

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What Do Big DREAMS Require?

“Alone We Can Do So Little. Together We Can Do So Much”. ~ Helen Keller ~   You are on a journey. Headed to a destination… The next stop is your Big Hairy Audacious DREAMS. You may not know it, but you’ve been preparing. You have packed the necessary gear – your confident BELIEF and…

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What If It Does Work?

“What if all this time, all this struggle, has been leading you to a beautiful chapter in your life? What if everything does work out, even if it doesn’t seem like it right now? What if who I become is who I needed all along? What if all of this hard work leads to amazing…

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What Compels Your Belief?

“If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” ~ Erica Jong ~   Before Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat — She believed. Before Amelia Earhart set out to fly the Atlantic — She believed. Before Oprah Winfrey become a multimedia maven — She believed. Before Martha Stewart became a fine-living standard…

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Are You Feeling LUCKY?

“Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.” ~ Oprah Winfrey ~   It’s March – – the month of new beginnings. I’m excited to see the seeds of success in your visions sprout new blooms of ideas and actions moving you closer to the life that you have imagined. Some may say that it…

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Yes You CAN Succeed!

I get lucky because I never gave up the search. Are you quitting too soon? Or are you willing to pursue luck with a vengeance?” ~ Jill Konrath ~ Meshell’s Success Misnomer #1 – There is no can’t. There are an infinite number of ways to get to your desired result. Let’s get right down to…

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Can You Handle the Unplanned?

“Change your life today. Don’t Gamble on the future, act now, without delay.” ~ Simone de Beauvoir More and more technology, automation are coming at you every day. So many texts, emails, phone calls, social media… It’s non-stop… all day every day. With all the noise and notifications, who has time to prep for each…

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