Ready to make FEAR your friend?

  “Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.” ~ Helen Keller ~   It happens to all of us… Whether you bring it on yourself or it just shows up… That pit in your stomach. The butterflies. The times when your…

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Do you have a Tribe Vibe?

“Connection is why we’re here: it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.” ~ Brene Brown ~   People are not meant to be alone all the time. Connecting as part of a meaningful community is important for our mental well-being. We are social beings and the need to belong is deeply ingrained…

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How to Stop worrying about the HOW?

“Don’t worry about how things are going to work out. Just believe that they will”. ~ Pritha ~   What is the one thing you do every single day that you have never done before? TODAY … You have never lived today before. You do not know what it will bring and you have no…

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What Do Big DREAMS Require?

“Alone We Can Do So Little. Together We Can Do So Much”. ~ Helen Keller ~   You are on a journey. Headed to a destination… The next stop is your Big Hairy Audacious DREAMS. You may not know it, but you’ve been preparing. You have packed the necessary gear – your confident BELIEF and…

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What If It Does Work?

“What if all this time, all this struggle, has been leading you to a beautiful chapter in your life? What if everything does work out, even if it doesn’t seem like it right now? What if who I become is who I needed all along? What if all of this hard work leads to amazing…

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5 Successful Women In Business And What We’ve Learned From Them

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” ~Maya Angelou ~   The business world is being overtaken by powerful women. And this is long, long overdue. As successful women in business, the road to a position of power can be sprinkled with doubt, misogyny, and societal barriers. However,…

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Can You Handle the Unplanned?

“Change your life today. Don’t Gamble on the future, act now, without delay.” ~ Simone de Beauvoir More and more technology, automation are coming at you every day. So many texts, emails, phone calls, social media… It’s non-stop… all day every day. With all the noise and notifications, who has time to prep for each…

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Does Confidence Really Matter?

  “I’ve finally stopped running away from myself. Who else is there better to be?” ~ Goldie Hawn Interesting to be at a laptop, hands on a keyboard, excited about an opportunity to support women incarcerated, and my mind draws a blank…Some of you know I am an ex-convict. A few of you know the story.…

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Good Habits Are The Foundations Of Success | Meshell Baker - Confidence Coach

Good Habits Are The Foundations Of Success

As challenging as financial problems can be, it’s a reality everybody faces. People experience having money problems no matter what socioeconomic status they fall under. You can struggle and attempt to find relief on your own, or you acquire the assistance of wise counsel. For money matters and questions, I highly recommend that you connect…

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Recovering the Lost Secret of Feminine Leadership

Recovering the Lost Secret of Feminine Leadership

Eliana Gilad, a recent guest on the Women of Influence Facebook Interview Series, joyfully works with professional women in mid life transition. She offers a beautiful journey that inspires their connection to an inner truth that empowers their feminine power. Eliana supports their discovery revealing the strength and self-knowledge that resides within themselves to help…

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