Good Habits Are The Foundations Of Success | Meshell Baker - Confidence Coach

Good Habits Are The Foundations Of Success

As challenging as financial problems can be, it’s a reality everybody faces. People experience having money problems no matter what socioeconomic status they fall under. You can struggle and attempt to find relief on your own, or you acquire the assistance of wise counsel. For money matters and questions, I highly recommend that you connect…

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Live Each Day Free To Choose Your Way

Live Each Day Free to Choose Your Way

We’ve all experienced times when we wouldn’t feel like we were at our best. We’d have days when our confidence would be low, and we couldn’t see ourselves in a positive light. These feelings can last for days to even years for some people, and it is a real struggle to pick ourselves up after…

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The Powerful Key to Success: Women Supporting Women

The Powerful Key to Success: Women Supporting Women

John Donne, an English metaphysical poet, once said in his work Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions and Seuerall Steps in my Sickness – Meditation XVII, 1624, “No Man is an Island.” And it’s true. Centuries past his time, we have proven that greater things do come from the work of people banding together. This philosophy is…

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Taking The Leap From Employee To Entrepreneur - Meshell Baker

Taking The Leap From Employee To Entrepreneur

How many times have you wondered when you would possibly be able to live life on your terms? Have you grown tired of the daily grind of working from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM; returning home late, and waking up early to repeat the same thing? Do you want to make a change and create…

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Growing Your Influence From The Heart - Meshell Baker

Growing Your Influence From The Heart

For many people, it can be challenging to navigate through life without direction. Even when we do think we have guidance, checklists, and goals, we can still become easily lost. We live to get by and not get anything more in life. If this describes you, then I’m happy to introduce Kerri Hummingbird – Soul…

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What are the ABCs of sales?

The ABC’s of Sales

In the words of Lao Tzu, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”   Great achievement first requires great action. Recognize you can be and do everything your heart desires. But it only happens when you act.   No one ever discovered their amazing life, created the incredible, or achieved the unbelievable without first…

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Focus on your best and experience success

Focus on Your BEST and Experience Success

So why focus on your BEST?  Well it’s wonderful way of walking your talk. And simplifies your life to the standard of consistently delivering value. Because anyone who does so will become charismatic, contagious and captivating! Showing up to be valuable to others has generated more favor opportunity and income than I could have ever…

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Who Told You… You Can’t Succeed?

Meshell’s Success Misnomer #1 – There is no can’t. There is an infinite number of ways to get to your desired result. Let’s get right down to it. The reason we struggle is not because of lack of resources. But instead, it is our beliefs limiting our ability to activate our resourcefulness. Most often there…

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Four Ways To Finish Strong!

  As I’m preparing to run the NYC Marathon in 2 weeks, on November 4th, I thought to myself… WOW!! There are only 10 weeks left in this year! I got to thinking about the journey of creating a life we love. And how there is no perfect plan or path. And the reason I’m…

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Women of Sales & Influence: Nothing is Impossible!

Women of Sales & Influence: Nothing is Impossible! “Nothing is impossible, the word itself is I’mPossible.” Audrey Hepburn Be someone who lives | The Birth of I’mPossible. So often we hear of people sharing “how” they were able to do something impossible in spite of the odds against them. We hear how they did it…

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